ÀÁÐÀÊÀÄÀÁÐÀ (Òîæå ñàìîå íî â ÷èòàåìîì âèäå)
 lfyyjq nf,kbwt, jcyjdfyyjq yf Ìfqrhjcjanjdcrjq International Word List, ghbdtltys jabwbfkmyst, Ìfqrhjcjanjdcrbt gthtdjls yfpdfybq 'ktvtynjd GUI, f nfr;t fkmnthyfnbdyst b ytljcnf.obt gthtdjls.
Ðtrjvtyljdfyyst gthtdjls dsltktys rjhbxytdsv wdtnjv, ;bhysv dsltktys yfpdfybz, ghbvtyztvst yf ryjgrf[ b d vty..
Ötkm cjplfybz b gjllth;rb lfyyjq nf,kbws -- htfkbpjdfnm cnfylfhn lt-afrnj lkz bcgjkmpjdfybz tuj ghb yfgbcfybb heccrjzpsxyjq gjkmpjdfntkmcrjq ljrevtynfwbb b ghb ghjtrnbhjdfybb heccrjuj GUI.
Ïthtdjls b j,jhjns, lfyyst d nhtnmtq rjkjyrt, c jlyjq cnjhjys, zdkz.ncz kbim gbotq lkz lfkmytqib[ lbcreccbq gj ghbvtytyb. fltrdfnys[ gthtdjljd nthvbyjd, c lheujq cnjhjys, ghbdtltys lkz cghfdrb, xnj,s hfphf,jnxbre ghbikjcm vtymit vjhobnm kj,, dslevsdfz yjdjzp ghb htitybb rjyrhtnyjq ghj,ktvs -- rfr j,jpdfnm rjynhjk. ×fcnm 'nb[ gthtdjljd hjlbkfcm d lbcreccbz[ ghjatccbjyfkjd, xfcnm -- gkjl ,jkmyjq afynfpbb ßhjckfdf Ïthtdfkjdf :)
×nj,s yt yfheifnm vfqrhjcjanjdcre. yevthfwb., lkz nfrb[ cnhjr ddtltys ldjqyst yjvthf, yfghbvth, 4.1.
Åckb xbnfntkm cgjcj,ty ghblevfnm b j,jcyjdfnm pfrjyyjcnm njuj bkb byjuj nthvbyf bkb gthtdjlf, bkb lj,fdbnm ytljcnf.oe. cnhjxre d lfyye. nf,kbxre -- lj,hj gj;fkjdfnm, vskmnt yf yaroslav@psychology.ru
US Term |
MS Russian Term |
Àkmnthyfnbdyst gthtdjls |
MS Term Note |
1. About |
Î ghjuhfvvt |
2. accessibility |
ljcnegyjcnm |
3. active |
frnbdysq |
Will vary depending on gender/number agreement/declination: frnbdyjt, frnbdyfz, etc. |
4. active window |
frnbdyjt jryj |
4.1. Add |
Äj,fdbnm |
4.2. alignment |
dshfdybdfybt |
5. Always on Top |
Ðfcgjkj;bnm gjdth[ dct[ jrjy |
Ñdjqcndj "Âctulf yfdth[e" |
6. Apply |
Ïhbvtybnm |
7. auto-exit |
fdnjvfnbxtcrbq ds[jl |
fdnjvfnbxtcrjt pfdthitybt |
8. auto-join |
ghbctjlbybnm(cz) fdnjvfnbxtcrb |
9. auto-repeat |
fdnjgjdnjh |
10. automatic scrolling (autoscroll) |
fdnjvfnbxtcrfz ghjrhenrf (fdnjghjrhenrf) |
11. Back |
Ífpfl |
11.1. bar |
gfytkm, kbytqrf <xtuj-nj> |
12. bold |
;bhysq |
13. border |
uhfybwf |
14. Browse |
Î,pjh |
Ïhjcvjnhtnm, Ífqnb-b-Âcnfdbnm |
14.1. Button |
ryjgrf |
15. Cancel |
Învtyf |
Învtybnm (gj fyfkjubb c Ïhbvtybnm) |
15.1. caption |
yflgbcm, (cjghjdjlbntkmysq) pfujkjdjr |
16. cascading menu |
gjlxbytyyjt vty. bkb gjlvty. |
bthfh[bxtcrjt vty. |
17. check box |
akf;jr |
uheggf akf;rjd, xtr,jrc, ufkjxrf, vfhrth, vtnrf/gjvtnrf/jnvtnrf, jgwbz/ht;bv "Èvzhtr" (drk.xbnm/dsrk.xbnm jgwb./ht;bv "Èvzhtr"), drk.xfntkm/dsrk.xfntkm, ryjgrf c ytpfdbcbvjq abrcfwbtq, gjkt gjvtnrb (gjvtnbnm gjkt "Èvzhtr", gjcnfdbnm/cyznm vtnre d gjkt "Èvzhtr"), ch. radio-buttons |
18. choose |
ds,jh bkb ds,hfnm |
19. Clear |
Îxbcnbnm |
20. click |
otkxjr (n.) bkb otkryenm (v.) |
yf;fnbt ËÊÌ |
21. Clipboard |
Áeath j,vtyf |
22. Close |
Çfrhsnm |
23. Close button |
ryjgrf "Çfrhsnm" |
24. collapse (outline) |
cdthyenm |
25. column heading |
pfujkjdjr cnjk,wf |
26. command button |
ryjgrf |
rjvfylyfz ryjgrf, aeyrwbjyfkmyfz ryjgrf, ryjgrf jgthfwbb, jgthfwbjyyfz ryjgrf, ryjgrf ghzvjuj ltqcndbz |
26.1. context menu |
cv. pop-up menu |
26.2. control |
'ktvtyn gjkmpjdfntkmcrjuj bynthatqcf, gjkt ds,jhf/ddjlf, 'ktvtyn eghfdktybz |
27. Copy |
Êjgbhjdfnm |
Ñrjgbhjdfnm d ,eath j,vtyf Ñrjgbhjdfnm d rfhvfy |
28. Copy Here |
Êjgbhjdfnm bkb Êjgbhjdfnm c.lf |
29. Create Shortcut |
Ñjplfnm zhksr |
30. Create Shortcut Here |
Ñjplfnm zhksr |
31. cursor |
rehcjh |
rehcjh vsib, erfpfntkm ntreotq pfgbcb ÁÄ, bylbrfnjh ntreotq pfgbcb |
32. customize |
yfcnhjqrf |
yfcnhjbnm, yfcnhjbnm "gjl ct,z", yfcnhjqrb gjkmpjdfntkz |
33. Cut |
Âshtpfnm |
34. default |
gj evjkxfyb. |
cnfylfhnyfz yfcnhjqrf, ghtljghtltk¸yyjt pyfxtybt, pfhfytt jghtltk¸yyjt cjcnjzybt |
35. default button |
ryjgrf, bcgjkmpevtfz gj evjkxfyb. |
ryjgrf, chf,fnsdf.ofz ghb yf;fnbb rkfdbib Enter, ryjgrf c bpyfxfkmyj ecnfyjdktyysv ddjljv, ryjgrf ddjlf, pfhfytt ds,hfyyfz ryjgrf, ryjgrf, chf,fnsdf.ofz "gj evjkxfyb." |
36. Delete |
Ólfkbnm |
37. desktop |
hf,jxbq cnjk |
38. desktop toolbar |
gfytkm bycnhevtynjd hf,jxtuj cnjkf |
 pfdbcbvjcnb jn rjyntrcnf vj;tn ,snm: gfytkm jgthfwbq, gfytkm aeyrwbq, gfytkm rjvfyl |
39. destination |
yfpyfxtybt |
 pfdbcbvjcnb jn rjyntrcnf vj;tn ,snm: vtcnj yfpyfxtybz, geyrn yfpyfxtybz, flhtcfn |
40. dialog box |
lbfkjujdjt jryj |
 pfdbcbvjcnb jn rjyntrcnf vj;tn ,snm: jryj j,zpfntkmyjuj ddjlf (vjlfkmyjt jryj), ajhvf ddjlf (lfyys[) |
40.1. direct manipulation |
ghzvjt/ytgjchtlcndtyyjt vfybgekbhjdfybt |
41. disability |
k.lb c yfheitybzvb gjldb;yjcnb, phtybz b cke[f |
42. disjoint selection |
ytcdzpyjt dsltktybt |
43. dock |
pfrhtgbnm(v.) bkb hfcgjkj;tybt (n.) bkb cnsrjdjxysq eptk (n.) |
44. document window |
jryj ljrevtynf |
45. double-click |
ldjqyjq otkxjr (n.) bkb ldf;ls otkryenm (v.) |
(,scnhjt) ldjqyjt yf;fnbt ËÊÌ |
46. download |
pfuheprf (n.) bkb pfuhepbnm (v.) |
 pfdbcbvjcnb jn rjyntrcnf vj;tn ,snm: pfrfxfnm, crfxfnm, cj[hfybnm |
47. drag |
dsltkbnm (exfcnjr ntrcnf, 'ktvtyns cgbcrf, j,]trns b n.g.) bkb gthtvtcnbnm erfpfntkm ghb yf;fnjq ryjgrt vsib bkb gthtnfobnm (j,]trn) bkb ghjdtcnb (erfpfntkm gj cgbcre, ntrcne b n.g.; kbyb.) |
48. drag-and-drop |
gthtnfcrbdfybt (n.) bkb gthtnfobnm (v.) bkb gthtnfobnm-b-jcnfdbnm (v.) |
,ercbhjdrf, jnnfobnm-b-,hjcbnm, gthtvtcnbnm, gthtytcnb c gjvjom. erfpfntkz vsib |
49. drop-down list |
hfcrhsdf.obqcz cgbcjr |
dsgflf.obq cgbcjr |
49.1. drop-down combo-box |
htlfrnbhetvsq hfcrhsdf.obqcz cgbcjr, gjkt ddjlf c hfcrhsdf.obvcz cgbcrjv, gjkt ddjlf c ds,jhjv |
49.2. simple combo-box |
gjkt ddjlf c pfdbcbvsv cgbcrjv |
50. drop-down menu |
hfcrhsdf.ottcz vty. |
51. Edit |
Ïhfdrf bkb Èpvtybnm |
htlfrnbhjdfybt, htlfrnbhjdfnm |
52. Edit menu |
vty. "Ïhfdrf" |
53. embedded object |
dytlhtyysq j,]trn |
54. Exit |
Âs[jl |
55. expand (an outline) |
hfpdthyenm |
56. Explore |
Ïhjdjlybr bkb Ïhjcvjnhtnm |
57. Favorites menu |
vty. "Èp,hfyyst" |
58. file |
afqk |
59. File menu |
vty. "Ôfqk" |
60. Find |
Ífqnb |
61. Find Next |
Ífqnb lfktt |
62. Finish |
Ãjnjdj |
63. folder |
gfgrf |
64. Folder Options |
Ñdjqcndf gfgrb |
65. Font |
Øhban |
66. font size |
hfpvth ihbanf |
67. font style |
yfxthnfybt ihbanf |
68. Forward |
Âgthtl bkb Ïthtckfnm |
Âgth¸l |
Will vary depending on context: Translate Forward as Âgthtl when it is the opposite of Back. Translate Forward as Ïthtckfnm when referring to e-mail. |
69. frame |
rflh bkb hfvrf bkb gfrtn (d ctnz[) |
Will vary depending on context: Translate frame as rflh in the context of video. Translate frame as gfrtn when referring to networking terminology. Translate it as hfvrf when it means a part of a screen. |
70. function key |
aeyrwbjyfkmyfz rkfdbif |
71. Go menu |
vty. "Ïthtqnb" bkb "Ïtht[jl" |
71.1. Group box |
hfvrf uheggbhjdrb, uheggf, gfytkm "Èvzhtr" |
72. handle |
ltcrhbgnjh (afqkf b n.l.) |
72.1. heading |
pfujkjdjr |
73. Help |
Ñghfdrf |
74. Help menu |
vty. "Ñghfdrf" |
75. Hide |
Ñrhsnm bkb Çfrhsnm |
76. hold |
elth;bdfnm |
77. Home |
Äjvfiybq bkb ljvjq |
Ãkfdyfz cnhfybwf, Òbnekmyfz cnhfybwf, Èc[jlyfz cnhfybwf, Íf ukfdye...., Ê yfxfke... |
78. hot spot |
jcnhbt (erfpfntkz) |
jcnhb¸ (erfpfntkz) |
79. hot zone |
pjyf gthtyjcf bkb j,kfcnm dpfbvjltqcndbz |
80. hover |
bpvtyznm wdtn yf |
81. hyperlink |
ubgthccskrf |
82. icon |
pyfxjr |
gbrnjuhfvvf (yt "brjyf"! yt "brjyrf") |
83. inactive window |
ytfrnbdyjt jryj |
84. input |
ddjl (n.) bkb ddtcnb (v.) |
85. Insert |
Âcnfdbnm bkb Âcnfdrf |
86. Insert Object |
Âcnfdrf j,]trnf |
87. insertion point |
vtcnj dcnfdrb |
88. Internet |
bynthytn |
Èynthytn, Ñtnm (ukj,fkmyst ctnb), Âctvbhyfz Ïfenbyf |
89. italic |
rehcbd |
90. keyboard |
rkfdbfnehf |
91. label |
vtnrf |
yflgbcm, gjlgbcm, 'nbrtnrf, vtnrf gjkz |
92. landscape |
fkm,jvyfz |
93. link (n.) |
cdzpm bkb ccskrf (ubgthccskrf) |
Will vary depending on context: Translate link (n.) as ccskrf when it refers to a hypertext connection, a button, or a highlighted bit of text that, when selected, jumps the reader to another page. Translate link (n.) as cdzpm in all other contexts. |
94. link (v.) |
cdzpfnm |
95. Link Here |
Ñcskrf c.lf bkb Ñdzpfnm |
96. link path |
genm ccskrb |
flhtc ubgthccskrb |
97. linked object |
cdzpfyysq j,]trn |
98. list box |
cgbcjr |
cgbcjr ds,jhf |
98.1. Multiple-selection list box |
cgbcjr cj vyj;tcndtyysv ds,jhjv, cgbcjr vyj;tcndtyyjuj ds,jhf |
98.2. Single-selection list box |
cgbcjr c tlbycndtyysv ds,jhjv, cgbcjr tlbycndtyyjuj ds,jhf |
99. list view (control) |
d dblt cgbcrf (ht;bv ghjcvjnhf) |
uhfabxtcrjt (brjybxtcrjt) vty., vty. j,]trnjd, object stack - crkfl j,]trnjd, (ds,hfnm 'ktvtyn/jgwb. "Èvzhtr 1" d cgbcrt "Èvzhtr 2") |
100. Log Off |
Âsqnb bkb Çfdthibnm hf,jne bkb Çfdthibnm ctfyc bkb Çfdthitybt ctfycf |
Âs[jl |
101. manual link |
cdzpm, j,yjdkztvfz gj pfghjce |
102. Map Drive |
Ïjlrk.xbnm lbcr |
103. Maximize |
Ðfpdthyenm |
Ìfrcbvbpbhjdfnm |
104. maximize button |
ryjgrf hfpdthnsdfybz |
ryjgrf vfrcbvbpfwbb |
106. menu bar |
cnhjrf vty. |
gfytkm vty., gjkjcf vty., ukfdyjt vty., jcyjdyjt vty., dth[ytt/ujhbpjynfkmyjt vty., vty. yektdjuj ehjdyz |
106.1. 1 level menu, 2 level menu, etc.
vty. gthdjuj (dnjhjuj b n.l.) ehjdyz, gjlvty. gthdjuj (dnjhjuj b n.l.) ehjdyz, vty. (rjulf bvttncz d dble cj,cndtyyj gfytkm vty. n-uj ehjdyz rfr j,]trn, yfghbvth, jyf vj;tn dspsdfnmcz rfr bp ukfdyjuj vty., nfr b gjgfgjv yf j,]trnt, nfrb b gj menu button d nek,fht) |
107. menu button |
ryjgrf vty. |
ryjgrf ljcnegf r vty., hfcrhsdf.ottcz vty. |
108. menu item |
geyrn vty. |
'ktvtyn/jgwbz vty. |
109. menu title |
yfpdfybt vty. |
110. message box |
jryj cjj,otybz |
cjj,otybt (j, jib,rt), lbfkju-ghtleght;ltybt, byajhvfwbjyyjt cjj,otybt, lbfkju-djghjc |
111. Minimize |
Ñdthyenm |
Ìbybvbpbhjdfnm |
112. minimize button |
ryjgrf cdthnsdfybz jryf |
113. modifier key |
cke;t,yst rkfdbib (Ctrl, Shift b Alt) |
114. monitor |
vjybnjh |
115. mouse |
vsim |
"vsim", vfybgekznjh "vsim", ecnhjqcndj "vsim" |
116. Move |
Ïthtvtcnbnm |
117. Move Here |
Ïthtvtcnbnm |
118. My Computer (icon) |
Ìjq rjvgm.nth (pyfxjr) |
119. Network Neighborhood (icon) |
Ñtntdjt jrhe;tybt (pyfxjr) |
Ñtnm, Ïhjcvjnhtnm ctnm |
120. New |
Ñjplfnm |
(yt "Íjdsq..."!) |
121. Next |
Äfktt bkb Ñktle.ott |
Will vary depending on context: Translate Next as Äfktt when it is the opposite of Back. Translate Next as Ñktle.ott when it is the opposite of Previous. |
122. No |
Ítn |
123. object |
j,]trn |
124. object linking and embedding (OLE) |
cdzpm b dytlhtybt j,]trnjd (OLE) bkb ghjnjrjk OLE |
125. OK |
ÎÊ |
yt "Îr" b yt "jr"! (bvttn cvsck "Ãjnjdj!", "Ñjukfcty!", "Õjhjij!", "Ïjlndth;lf.!", yt htrjvtyletncz gthtdjlbnm, n.r. ÎÊ zdkztncz utinfkmlnjv-bthjukbajv, [jhjij pyfrjvsv, kturj djcghbybvftvsv) |
126. online |
xthtp ctnm bkb gj ctnb |
d ht;bvt frnbdyjuj cjtlbytybz (gj ctnb) |
127. Open |
Înrhsnm |
Çfuhepbnm |
128. Open With |
Înrhsnm c gjvjom. |
129. option button |
gthtrk.xfntkm |
bvttncz d dble Radio Buttons d bcgjkytybb uheggs cdzpfyys[ pflfdkbdftvs[ ryjgjr: uheggf ryjgjr tlbycndtyyjuj ds,jhf, dpfbvjbcrk.xf.obq ds,jh, uheggf fkmnthyfnbd, ryjgrb gthtrk.xtybz ht;bvf, (ds,hfnm/jnvtnbnm jgwb./ht;bv/geyrn "Èvzhtr"), cv. radio-buttons |
130. Options |
Ïfhfvtnhs |
Ífcnhjqrb |
130.1. outline |
cnhernehf, rjyneh |
131. Page Setup |
Ïfhfvtnhs cnhfybws |
132. palette window |
jryj gfkbnhs |
133. panning |
cldbu |
134. pane |
jryj |
135. password |
gfhjkm |
136. Paste |
Âcnfdbnm |
137. Paste Link |
Ñdzpfnm bkb Âcnfdbnm cdzpm |
138. Paste Shortcut |
Âcnfdbnm zhksr |
139. Paste Special |
Ñgtwbfkmyfz dcnfdrf |
140. path |
genm |
gjkysq flhtc |
141. Pause |
Ïfepf bkb Ïhbjcnfyjdbnm |
Will vary depending on context: Translate Pause as Ïfepf when it is in the context of media players, and as Ïhbjcnfyjdbnm in all other cases. |
142. Play |
Âjcghjbpdtltybt |
Ïhjbuhfnm, Âjcghjbpdtcnb |
143. point (v.) |
gjldtcnb erpfntkm r |
144. pointer |
erfpsdfntkm |
erfpfntkm, erfprf |
145. pop-up window |
dcgksdf.ott jryj |
146. portrait |
ryb;yfz |
147. press |
yf;vbnt |
147.1. preview area |
j,kfcnm ghtljcvjnhf |
148. Previous |
Ïhtlsleobq |
Will vary depending on gender. |
149. primary window |
ukfdyjt jryj |
jcyjdyjt jryj |
150. Print |
Ïtxfnm |
Ïtxfnfnm |
151. Print Here |
Ïtxfnfnm pltcm |
152. printer |
ghbynth |
153. Programs menu |
vty. "Ïhjuhfvvs" |
154. progress indicator |
bylbrfnjh cjcnjzybz bkb bylbrfnjh [jlf hf,jns |
ghjuhtcc-bylbrfnjh, bylbrfnjh dsgjkytybz, vjybnjh ghjwtccf, bylbrfnjh ghjuhtccf, erfpfntkm [jlf ghjwtccf, bylbrfnjh cntgtyb dsgjkytybz ghjwtccf, bylbrfnjh cjcnjzybz ghjwtccf, ghjuhtccbdrf, kbytqysq bylbrfnjh, bylbrfnjh vjoyjcnb (rjulf yt ghjwtcc, f lbyfvbxtcrfz [fhfrnthbcnbrf, yfghbvth, uhjvrjcnm) |
155. Properties |
Ñdjqcndf |
156. property page |
cnhfybwf cdjqcnd bkb drkflrf (jryf cdjqcnd) |
157. Quick Launch taskbar |
gfytkm pflfx ,scnhjuj pfgecrf |
158. Quick View |
Áscnhsq ghjcvjnh |
158.1. radio-buttons |
gthtrk.xfntkm, ctktrnbdyfz ryjgrf, ctktrnjh, uheggf tlbycndtyyjuj ds,jhf, dpfbvjbcrk.xf.obq ds,jh, uheggf fkmnthyfnbd, ryjgrb c pfdbcbvjq abrcfwbtq, (ds,hfnm/jnvtnbnm jgwb./ht;bv/geyrn "Èvzhtr") cv. option button , cp. check box |
159. read-only |
njkmrj lkz xntybz |
160. Recycle Bin (icon) |
Êjhpbyf (pyfxjr) |
161. Redo |
Âthyenm |
162. Refresh |
Î,yjdbnm |
163. region selection |
ds,jh htubjyf |
164. Repeat |
Ïjdnjhbnm |
165. Replace |
Çfvtybnm |
166. Restore |
Âjccnfyjdbnm |
167. Resume |
Âjpj,yjdbnm |
168. Retry |
Ïjdnjhbnm |
169. Run |
Âsgjkybnm |
Çfgecnbnm (ghjuhfvve, ghbkj;tybt) |
170. Save |
Ñj[hfybnm |
171. Save All |
Ñj[hfybnm dct |
172. Save As |
Ñj[hfybnm rfr |
173. screen |
'rhfy |
174. screen text |
ntrcn yf 'rhfyt |
175. scroll |
ghjrhenbnm |
176. scroll arrow |
cnhtkrf ghjrhenrb |
177. scroll arrow button |
cnhtkrf ghjrhenrb |
178. scroll bar |
gjkjcf ghjrhenrb |
178.1. scroll area |
j,kfcnm ghjrhenrb |
179. scroll box |
,tueyjr |
180. Search |
Ïjbcr |
181. secondary window |
gjlxbytyyjt jryj |
182. select |
ds,hfnm bkb dsltkbnm |
183. Select All |
dsltkbnm dct |
184. selection |
dsltktybt bkb dsltktyyjt bkb ds,jh |
185. Send |
Înghfdbnm |
186. Send to |
Înghfdbnm |
187. Setup |
Ócnfyjdrf |
188. Settings menu |
vty. "Ífcnhjqrf" |
189. shortcut |
zhksr |
190. shortcut button |
ryjgrf ltqcndbz |
191. shortcut icon |
pyfxjr zhksrf |
192. shortcut key |
,scnhsq dspjd bkb ,scnhfz rkfdbif bkb rkfdbif ,scnhjuj dspjdf |
"ujhzxfz" rkfdbif |
193. shortcut menu |
rjyntrcnyjt vty. |
194. Show |
Înj,hf;fnm |
Înj,hfpbnm |
195. Shut Down |
Çfdthitybt hf,jns bkb Âsrk.xbnm rjvgm.nth |
196. Size menu |
vty. "Ðfpvth" |
197. slider |
gjkpeyjr |
irfkf ("ecnfyjdbnm gjkpeyjr d yfxfkj irfks") |
198. source |
bcnjxybr bkb bc[jlysq ntrcn |
Will vary depending on context: Translate source as bcnjxybr when it refers to a disk, file, document, or other store of information from which data is taken or moved. Translate source as bc[jlysq ntrcn when it refers to source code. |
198.1. spin box |
gjkt ddjlf c ghjrhenrjq, gjcnhjxyfz ghjrhenrf, gjkt ddjlf cj cnhtkjxrfvb, cgby,jrc, "yf;fnbt yf cnhtkrb ddth[/dybp ghbdjlbn r edtkbxtyb./evtymityb. pyfxtybz gjkz yf pfhfytt ghtlecnfyjdktyye. lbcrhtnye. dtkbxbye" |
199. Split |
Ðfpltkbnm |
200. split bar |
kbybz hfp,bdrb |
2001.1. splitter |
hfpltkbntkm |
201. split box |
dtirf hfp,bdrb |
202. Start button |
ryjgrf "Ïecr" |
203. Start menu |
vty. "Ïecr" |
204. status notification area |
j,kfcnm jnhf;tybz cjcnjzybz |
cnfnec |
205. Stop |
Îcnfyjdbnm bkb Ñnjg |
205.1. submenu |
gjlvty., cv. menu |
206. tab |
nf,ekznjh bkb drkflrf |
pfrkflrf |
Will vary depending on context: Translate tab as drkflrf when referring to a tab (i.e., a projection from a screen) in a dialog box. Translate tab as nf,ekznjh when referring to the character used to align lines and columns on the screen and on the printed page. |
207. taskbar |
gfytkm pflfx |
208. template |
if,kjy |
209. text box |
ntrcnjdjt gjkt |
gjkt (ntrcnjdjuj) ddjlf, ntrcnjdjt gjkt ddjlf |
210. theme |
ntvf |
211. title bar |
pfujkjdjr |
212. title text |
ntrcn pfujkjdrf |
213. toggle |
dsrk.xfntkm (n.) bkb gthtrk.xbnm (v.) |
214. toolbar |
gfytkm bycnhevtynjd |
(dth[yzz) gfytkm, gfytkm jgthfwbq, aeyrwbjyfkmyfz gfytkm, vty. jgthfwbq |
214.1. TreeView control |
bthfh[bxtcrbq (hfcrhsdf.obqcz) cgbcjr nbgf "lthtdj" (lfktt ghjcnj "lthtdj"), lhtdj, ,kjr ghjcvjnhf bthfh[bb, 'ktvtyn "bthfh[bxtcrfz cnhernehf" |
214.2. thumbnail |
evtymityyjt ghtlcnfdktybt, vbybfn.hysq dbl, vbybfn.hf |
215. type (n.) |
nbg bkb dbl |
216. type (v.) |
Âdtcnb |
217. unavailable |
ytljcnegyj bkb ytljcnegyfz (rjvfylf) |
218. Unfold |
Ðfpdthnsdfybt |
219. Undo |
Învtybnm |
Învtybnm gjcktlytt ltqcndbt Învtybnm "Èvzhtr" |
220. View menu |
vty. "Âbl" |
221. visual editing |
yfukzlyfz ghfdrf |
yfukzlyjt htlfrnbhjdfybt |
222. Web |
Ât, |
223. Web page |
dt,-cnhfybwf |
224. Web site |
dt,-eptk |
dt,-cfqn |
225. What's This? |
×nj 'nj nfrjt? |
226. Window |
Îryj |
227. Windows Explorer |
Ïhjdjlybr |
Ïhjdjlybr Windows |
228. wizard |
vfcnth |
229. workbook |
herjdjlcndj lkz ckeifntkz |
ext,yjt gjcj,bt, rjycgtrn |
230. Yes |
Äf |
Ñcskrb gj ntvt:
1. International Word List
Ýnj vtkrjcjanjdcrfz jabwbfkmyfz nf,kbxrf gthtdjljd, rjnjhe. vj;yj ,hfnm pf jcyjde.
Çfvtxe, xnj r ghtlcnfdktyysv htitybzv yflj jnyjcbnmcz rhbnbxyj, gjcrjkmre:
1. Ñgbcjr ytgjkysq, yt [dfnftn vyjub[ rjynhjkjd (yfghbvth, ytn Combo-Box b Tree-View, [jnz tcnm Drop-Down List);
2. Ítrjnjhst gthtdjls yt 100% fltrdfnyst, yfghbvth, Cancel gthtdjlbncz rfr "Învtyf", [jnz ghfdbkmytt ,skj ,s "Învtybnm", jcj,tyyj d cjdjregyjcnb c "Ïhbvtybnm" (Apply), "Çfrhsnm" (Close), "Înrhsnm", b gh.
3. Ífrjytw, yt dctulf MS bcgjkmpetn fltrdfnyj b fyukbqcrbt nthvbys, yfghbvth, bpdtcnyyfz ryjgjxrf Browse (Î,pjh -- yt kexit kb "Ïhjcvjnhtnm"?) ljk;yf gj-[jhjitve yfpsdfnmcz Search-TakeOut&PutIn (Ífqnb-b-Âcnfdbnm).
Âsdjl -- Áth¸v pf jcyjde lfyye. nf,kbxre, b ljdjlbv tz lj evf -- ljgjkyztv b bcghfdkztv, f gjnjv endth;lftv d rfxtcndt hjccbqcrjuj GUI-cnfylfhnf, jn xtuj ,eltn dctv cxfcnmt :)
2. Òf,kbwf Òfkthf
3. Êjvgm.nthysq ckjdfhm Ýlefhlf Ïhjqlfrjdf
Ïjgsnrf cjplfnm cjj,otcndj gbcfntktq gjkmpjdfntkmcrjq ljrevtynfwbb b [tkgjd.
5. Ñnhfybxrf Ìb[fbkf Êepmvbyf
Ítcrjkmrj gjktpys[ ckjdfhtq b cnfntq gj ntvt.
6. Äbcreccbz yf Þpf,bkbnb-ajhevt
7. Ôjhev nt[-gbcfntktq (PhiloSoft)usability.ru/Articles/GUI_Term_Table.htm