/ Ïîëíûé ñïèñîê ñòàòåé / Íåóëîâèìûé RBN

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V seredine oktabra gazeta Washington Post povedala miru o zagado4nom russkom xosting-provaydere Russian Business Network, kotoriy avlaetsa samim popularnim pribeji6em dla fi6erov, spamerov, detskix pornografov i vsex ostal'nix setevix negodaev. RBN predostavlaet im "puleneprobivaemiy", to est' o4en' xoro6o za6i6enniy xosting za 600 dollarov v mesac.

E6e ran'6e, v avguste-sentabre, po teme otbombilis' The Economist i ZDNet. Vse SMI ssilalis' na ot4eti VeriSign i issledovania Spamhaus (vtoroe interesney). Utverjdalos', 4to danniy xosting dla prestupnikov naxoditsa v Peterburge, i daje pod "kri6ey" rossiyskix 4inovnikov. Odnako nikakix real'nix imen i adresov ne nazvano. 4to neudivitel'no: RBN kontaktiruet s klientami tol'ko virtual'nim putem, 4erez po4tu i 4ati.

Na pro6loy nedele jurnal Wired raportoval, 4to smog svazat'sa s predstavitelem etogo "piterskogo" xostinga imenno takim putem. Predstavitel' s tipi4nim russkim imenem "Tim Djaret" otvetil jurnalu po emeylu - i otmel vse obvinenia.

Russkaa otmazka

Spusta paru dney izdanie Cnews (kotoroe mi lubim raz v mesac) opublikovalo "razobla4itel'nuu" stat'u. V ney rukovoditeli razli4nix rossiyskix internet-kompaniy nazivali piterskiy xosting RBN vidumkoy. Argumenti 4ertovski veseli. Berem "Klubni4nuu Margaritu" i 4itaem.

Andrey Kuznecov, texdirektor provaydera "Eltel", dokazivaet nesu6estvovanie RBN 4erez su6estvovanie rossiyskoy milicii:

"Otdel «K» bistro prikrivaet sayti s detskoy pornografiey, esli uznaet o nix, i tut ne trebuetsa nikakix obra6eniy poterpev6ix. Bolee togo, esli o takix saytax uznaut telekom-provayderi, oni i sami blokiruut k nim dostup".

Neploxo otjigaet i glava piterskogo filiala xosting-centra RBK Anastasia Bauer. Ona s4itaet "nejiznesposobnoy" biznes-model' virtual'nogo servisa RBN:

"Za4em "nexoro6im" klientam polu4at' takie slojnosti i svazivat'sa s podobnim xosterom? Na moy vzglad, razme6at' protivozakonnie materiali namnogo udobnee, sozdav resurs na sobstvennoy plo6adke, 4em svazivat'sa s kem-to 4erez forum ili ICQ".

Nu i samoe prekrasnoe:

"Popitki CNews nayti nazvanie kompanii RBN v Internete pokazali, 4to vse ee upominania svazani libo s ot4etom Verisign, libo s ego citirovaniem v SMI i blogax".

E6e bolee kategori4nuu novost' o nesu6estvanii RBN opublikovalo izdanie Utro.ru. Toje, mol, netu takogo xostinga.

Poxoje, u jurnalistov RBK problemi s poiskovim likbezom. Moa pervaa je popitka nayti RBN privela k istorii pro eto samoe Utro.ru, gde letom na glavnoy stranice sidel virus iz toy samoy RBN. Podobnie troani, kradu6ie paroli, rasprostranal letom daje glavniy sayt RBK. Zdraste, Nasta.

Transportnaa razvazka

Esli vi ne na6li 4ernuu ko6ku v temnoy komnate - eto ne zna4it, 4to ee tam net. Davayte poka otlojim versiu o "va6ingtonskoy vidumke" i dla raznoobrazia predstavim, kak doljen bit' ustroen "puleneprobivaemiy" xosting. A on doljen bit' ustroen imenno tak, kak v etoy istorii - 4tobi ego kak bi ne bilo. Nu ili xota bi tak: ego ne doljni videt' opredelennie gruppi ludey. Imenno te, kto vi6e i otbombilsa v novostax.

Net, a ne budu nudet' o xitrostax trassirovki. A lu46e voz'mu vtoruu "Klubni4nuu Margaritu" - i e6e novosti pocitiruu. Vot francuzskie policeyskie na vstre4e s russkimi obvinaut Rossiu v "odnostoronnem fi6inge". Deskat', fi6eri sidat u vas, a den'gi kradut u na6ix. Stranno voob6e, 4to oni soob6ili ob etom na6ey milicii. Mogli bi pramo k fi6eram obratit'sa, kak Anastasia Bauer. Deskat', rebata, kradite den'gi, ne otxoda ot kassi! Rossia dla rossian! Tak budet gorazdo udobnee... vas lovit'.

Uvi, fi6eram udobnee mejdunarodnaa sxema. Esli na6ix ne trogat', to u na6ix organov i pretenziy ne budet. A esli inostranca ob4istat, on jaluetsa tol'ko svoim mentam. Te govorat: izvinite, russkaa mafia iz Pitera. I vse, konci v vodu.

No nas4et "ulici s odnostronnim dvijeniem" - eto avniy mif. Daje obnali4it' ukradennie elektrobabki, sida v odnoy tol'ko Rossii, o4en' neprosto. A samomu exat' za rubej - zagrebaut tut je. Poetomu umnie imeut zarubejnix posrednikov. Tak 4to "ulica" vse-taki "dvustoronnaa".

Ne to je li samoe s xostingom? V konce koncov, ixnaa policia mojet stuknut' na6ey. Te poydut pramikom k xosteru. Uje xodat. Zna4it, neobazatel'no v Pitere servera stavit'. Dostato4no ustroit' tam li6' virtual'niy servis, svoego roda "perevalo4nuu bazu". Odno iz zven'ev cepo4ki. A servera mojno i v Anglii derjat'.

Anastasia s4itaet etu sxemu "nejiznesposobnoy"? Nu, mi ponali: esli ona poteraet rabotu v RBK, fi6eri vrad li voz'mut ee v konsul'tanti. A sami budut prodoljat' igri s pereadresaciey. Cepo4ka opat' uxodit iz Rossii, nikto ne znaet xostinga RBN. Zna4it, na6ey milicii opat' delat' ne4ego. No daje esli ona i ozabotitsa - skol'ko vremeni idut eti oficial'nie obra6enia iz strani v stranu? A pereadresacia delo minutnoe, avtomatizirovannoe.

Vpro4em, esli eta o4evidnaa logika vse e6e kajetsa neo4evidnoy - vot 4to rasskazal "Vebplanete" pro RBN odin rossiyskiy specialist po xostingu:

"Vozmojno, ix osnovnaa ludskaa baza - v Pitere. No i tol'ko. Resursi, suda po vsemu, vse zagrani4nie. Sootvetstvenno, otsuda i problemi. To est' "russkaa mafia" ili "pokritie" ne pri 4¸m. Prosto polu4ilos', 4to ludi, re6iv6ie tak zarabotat' den'gi i okazav6iesa uda4nimi v etom dele, okazalis' pitercami. I problema ne v tom, 4to "pokrivaut" ix. A v tom, 4to mi razosralis' s sosedami i nixrena gorizontal'nix svazey net. Bila davno-davno ataka na Masterxost i Petexost - tak toje, vsex na6li, a sdelat' ni4ego ne mojem. Razboynik - rezident Estonii. Pri4¸m vse vs¸ ponimaut - i tut vnizu specslujbi, i tam vnizu specslujbi. No poskol'ku doljno bit' soglasovanie na diplomati4eskix urovnax - uvi".

Vidite - bivaut razboyniki daje v takoy prekrasnoy strane, kak Estonia, kotoraa polgoda kri4it ob "atakax iz Kremla" i obe6aet "Na6im" arest v luboy strane Evropi. No svoix toje ne spe6it vidavat'.

Vot tak ono i tanetsa. Specialisti po bezopasnosti izu4aut lipovie registracionnie zapisi. Rukovoditeli kompaniy otkre6ivausa ot su6estvovania sxem, kotorie ne ukladivautsa v ix sobstvenniy biznes-plan. Provayderi jdut signala ot Upravlenia "K". Upravlenie jdet navodok ot Interpola. A Interpol "osvaivaet "Foto6op". Natural'naa skazka o Repke.

A Repka tem vremenem rastet. Off6ornaa Silandia, me4tau6aa predostavlat' svobodniy ot cenzuri xosting, na6la russkix investorov dla zapuska sobstvennogo sputnika. Pram xo4etsa propet' "Mi verim v mujestvo ot4aannix parney!" Xota spravedivosti radi stoit zametit': "nezavisimoe gosudarstvo Silandia" - eto takaa bol'6aa jelezaka, kotoraa to4it iz mora u beregov Velikobritanii, a vovse ne v Finskom zalive. Ot4aannie parni davno avlautsa mejdunarodnoy set'u, a ne prosto "russkoy mafiey".

Lila Brin s webplanet.ru/knowhow/security/designer/2007/10/22/rbn.html

Tem, kto xo4et vitanut' etu Repku, stoilo bi poprobovat' analogi4niy recept. Prodoljat' 4itat' esli znaete angliyskiy :-).

The Tale of the Turnip

by Jim Forest

One weekend Katya went for a visit to the home of her Grandfather Lev and her Grandmother Olga. At the time, Katya’s parents were having difficulties in their marriage. They thought a quiet weekend together, just the two of them, would do them good. So off Katya went, though all was not well between her grandparents either. When they weren’t yelling, they glared at each other in furious silence.

Nor did it cheer them up having their granddaughter come to stay. One thing they agreed about was that Katya was a difficult child: she was full of questions, she hid under the table, she got underfoot, she wanted to help at things she wasn’t good at, she was noisy at play, and she made the dog bark. She forgot to close the door, when she ate she showered the floor with crumbs, she talked with her mouth full, and she made fun of adults.

Katya’s parents always argued that she was an ordinary child.

“If you like that sort,” the grandparents replied.

Katya had been there only an hour when Grandmother Olga began to think about supper. She told Grandfather Lev he had better pull up the turnip that had long been growing in the corner of the garden. “Katya has such a big appetite,” she said, shaking her head, “enough for three well-behaved children.”

So Grandfather Lev went out to the turnip.

He put his big hands on the leaves that marked the turnip’s home in the earth, and tried to pull it up. In his long life, he had pulled up enough turnips for every Russian, but no matter how hard he tried, this one wouldn’t budge.

We all know how men like to open jars and do anything that requires a little muscle, so you can imagine how hard he tried, and how reluctant he was to return to his old foe empty-handed. There was nothing to do but ask Grandmother Olga if she would help in the pulling.

“It seems this is the biggest turnip in the world,” he told her, “one that even Samson couldn’t pull up without help.”

“I’m not at all surprised,” Grandmother Olga replied, giving him a triumphant smile. “It is my experience year after year that men are all talk and boast.”

She marched out to the garden with him, sure of victory. In fact she was someone of real might, but even pulling together, their strength wasn’t enough. The stubborn turnip stayed locked in the ground.

“Surely this is the biggest and best-rooted turnip since the Volga River was first wet,” Grandmother Olga said.

Grandfather Lev nodded his head.

“We had better ask Katya for help,” he said.

He found her searching through his tool box looking for nails. She was reluctant to help, as she was busy building a secret house. Also Katya loved the word “No.” But she could also imagine the taste of the turnip, cooked and mashed and with butter on top — so she said, “Yes.”

But even the three of them were powerless against this mountainous turnip.

“Misha can help,” Katya said. She ran off without waiting for adult objections.

Misha was a dog who generally kept a safe distance from children, as they hid his bones and sometimes tried to ride him as if he were a pony. But Misha, like all dogs, was full of forgiveness and proved eager to help. The four of them pulled together.

Nevertheless, the turnip was unmoved.

So Misha the dog went for Masha the cat. Such humiliation, having to seek help from the cat he so often chased, yet Masha agreed. The warm sunlight in which she had been napping had melted her pride just enough.

Still, even with the force of five, the turnip only trembled in the ground.

So Masha, her tail high in the air, turned to the one member of the household still not in the garden, Tatiana, the mouse who lived behind the stove. Tatiana was an extraordinarily clever mouse, as the cat well knew. It was in her family — Tatiana had a grandmother who had escaped from a trap in the palace of the czar.

Of course Tatiana was nervous to be approached by Masha. This was the very cat who had eaten her husband and several of their children and she had barely survived the cat herself.

But she had eaten a large section of Lev and Olga’s Bible, including the words, “If your enemy hungers, feed him.” In a moment of grace, she agreed to help.

Tatiana approached the turnip while keeping a careful eye on Masha. Turnips have their own roots, she remembered.

She plunged into the ground as if it were hay and tunneled her way to the turnip’s base where she nipped each tiny root with her sharp teeth.

“Even a small brain knows about roots,” Tatiana said to Masha as she emerged from the ground.

Once again Grandfather Lev put his hands on the turnip, and Grandmother Olga held him, while Katya pulled on her grandmother, the dog on the girl, the cat on the dog, and the mouse on the cat. They pulled as if their lives depended on it, and at last the garden gave up its treasure.

Great was their feast that night. Without fear of the cat, even tiny Tatiana ate all she wanted, and even a little more. Masha purred at the side of Misha. Not a growl was heard and not a cross word was spoken, even afterwards when Katya broke a dish. It is even said that at bedtime that night Olga kissed Lev for the first time in twenty years.

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