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/ Charterhouse Shipbroking Company Limited / Версия для печати / абракадабра :-)

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Charterhouse Shipbroking Company Limited was established in 1993, and has its offices in the heart of the City of London. Originally a specialist dry-cargo broker, it has since grown into one of London"s leading independent Shipbroking houses offering a first class service to its clients in all areas of shipping.

Since incorporation Charterhouse has acquired a group of highly qualified and experienced brokers, and has invested heavily in the latest computer hardware and shipping software enabling it to work competitively and efficiently in shipping markets worldwide.

Charterhouse and its brokers are members of the Baltic Exchange, ensuring clients a high standard of ethical and professional conduct on this self-regulated international shipping market.
Общее количество работ 197
Создание эксклюзивных сайтов, юзибилити анализ и бесплатный анализ под запросы основных поисковых машин
Контактная информация :
тел. +7(98I) 7608865

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